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50+ Upwork Proposal Templates

Upwork Proposal Writing Assistant extension for Chrome helps you find new jobs and apply 10x faster


One-click Upwork



Be the first to apply for new jobs


Unlock your full earning potential


Install and start using in minutes.

Works where you send proposals

Maximize your chances of winning Upwork projects with - the ultimate tool for freelancers at all levels. Say goodbye to wasted time and effort and start sending winning proposals from the get-go.

One-Click Proposlas

Create and send winning proposals effortlessly with just one click, and stand out from the competition. Proposli helps you quickly customize professional proposals to match each client's unique needs, boosting your chances of securing more work and earning more money. Try our tools today and take your Upwork career to the next level!

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Instant Job Notifications

Are you tired of scrolling through countless job postings on Upwork? Proposli makes the process much simpler by analyzing job listings and identifying the best matches for your skills and experience. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to your dream job with our instant notifications delivered straight to your mobile or desktop. Don't waste any more time searching for jobs - let Proposli help you find the perfect match!

Expert written templates

Looking to win more projects on Upwork? Get access to proposal templates that are battle-tested and written by top-selling, top-rated plus Upworkers. Choose from a variety of customizable templates to showcase your skills and stand out from the competition. These templates are designed to make a lasting impression on potential clients and increase your chances of winning more projects. Don't waste time reinventing the wheel - try our Proposli today and take your Upwork career to the next level with the help of expertly crafted proposal templates.

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What the community is saying

Pedro Patinha

Data Scientist

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Vitali Vysotski 

Quality Assurance Engineer

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Serhii Nazdrachov

Web Researcher

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Mustafa Hussain

User interface designer

I like because it saves me time when submitting proposals on Upwork. It just takes one click to submit a letter. There are also many templates to choose from. Additionally, it helps those with no experience writing good cover letters. It is definitely useful for me.

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Nowreen Amin

Software tester

This is my life-saving tool as a freelancer. '' is fantastic. It allows me to save my templates and reuse them immediately. There is no need to copy and paste. Nevertheless, has a good templates of its own. Many thanks.

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Uwemedimo Usa

Conversion Copywriter & Marketer

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Install the Proposli Chrome extension

Create your Proposli account and then go to the Chrome Web Store to add Proposli to your browser.

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Rated 4.8/5 on Chrome Store

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